
Make History Every Day!

For “silent rebels” who are ready to spark conversations, express your own social and political opinions with confidence, and fight social injustice in your own unique way...

A new online multimedia learning experience from the founders of American INSIGHT designed to strengthen your knowledge of the origins of free speech, human rights, and the rule of law in America, and become a more informed citizen.

What if you had a roadmap to understanding your right to speak freely, for freeing your inner voice, and for making a difference to your everyday life?

This is your opportunity. Understand your American heritage. Be heard!

 As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

If you’re ready to discover the untold history of free speech and become familiar with the origins of the American Experiment, keep reading...


Make History Every Day!

For “silent rebels” who are ready to spark conversations, express your own social and political opinions with confidence, and fight social injustice in your own unique way...

A new online multimedia learning experience from the founders of American INSIGHT designed to strengthen your knowledge of the origins of free speech, human rights, and the rule of law in America, and become a more informed citizen.

What if you had a roadmap to understanding your right to speak freely, for freeing your inner voice, and for making a difference to your everyday life?

This is your opportunity. Understand your American heritage.          Be heard!

 As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

If you’re ready to discover the untold history of free speech and become familiar with the origins of the American Experiment, keep reading...
You don’t need to stay silent another day.
For months — maybe years — something has been rising inside you. It ebbs and flows with the passing of time. You’ve quietly taken in the world around you, felt the feelings, and had imaginary debates in your head about what you should say when a topic you’re passionate about comes up.
Yet with each fresh news cycle, whether it’s a wave of impassioned protests, an election gone bad, a new pandemic wave, or another human injustice, that thing inside you gets louder and louder. You’re angry. Sad. Frustrated. Some days, you find yourself numb to everything.

That thing rising inside you is your inner voice —a superpower that Americans have the right and the responsibility to use.

You want to speak up, get involved, say what’s on your heart and mind ... but you’re not sure how or what to say. Who are you to try to change the world?

But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
You are Not the Only Silent Rebel.
The need to create and speak out has been a part of human nature for millennia from the first human charcoal paintings found in the Caves of Altamira.

Today more than ever, with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube as a constant presence in our lives, the need to share our thoughts is in us all.

It’s a matter of knowing what to share and how to share it. You don’t have to be a public speaker or politician to become part of the conversation and make an impact!

But before we talk about finding your own unique platform, let’s talk about the reasons why you might feel this way ...
You don’t need to stay silent another day.
For months — maybe years — something has been rising inside you. It ebbs and flows with the passing of time. You’ve quietly taken in the world around you, felt the feelings, and had imaginary debates in your head about what you should say when a topic you’re passionate about comes up.

Yet with each fresh news cycle, whether it’s a wave of impassioned protests, an election gone bad, a new pandemic wave, or another human injustice, that thing inside you gets louder and louder. You’re angry. Sad. Frustrated. Some days, you find yourself numb to everything.

That thing rising inside you is your inner voice —a superpower that Americans have the right and the responsibility to use.

You want to speak up, get involved, say what’s on your heart and mind ... but you’re not sure how or what to say. Who are you to try to change the world?

But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
You are not the only Silent Rebel.
The need to create and speak out has been a part of human nature for millennia from the first human charcoal paintings found in the Caves of Altamira.

Today more than ever, with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube as a constant presence in our lives, the need to share our thoughts is in us all.

It’s a matter of knowing what to share and how to share it. You don’t have to be a public speaker or politician to become part of the conversation and make an impact!

But before we talk about finding your own unique platform, let’s talk about the reasons why you might feel this way...

The Unspoken Fears Holding You Back from Speaking Your Truth.


You feel uninformed.

Real talk: You hesitate to post that comment or speak up at family dinner when Uncle Ron says something inappropriate because you’re not 100% sure that you can truly articulate your thoughts or back up your argument. It’s easier and safer to stay quiet and not ruffle any feathers.

What you need to know: When you find something you’re really passionate about and make the commitment to go all-in on it, you will find that staying quiet will no longer be an option.


It’s a noisy world and no one is listening to you anyway.

Real talk: You’re just a student or an employee. There are people far more educated on these subjects than you. Who are you to speak up and even attempt to make a difference? All you have to do is log onto social media to realize that A) You can’t change other people’s minds and B) Even your most genius posts and comment replies will eventually get swallowed up by algorithms anyway.

What you need to know: Free speech heroes come in many different shapes and forms. Voters, poets, authors, comedians, young women like Malala or Greta Thunberg. A common characteristic of these heroes has been the clarity and persistence of their message.

As you’ll learn inside our course, Make History Every Day!, speaking out takes many forms and you don’t need a megaphone to be heard. But it does require action! Use your hands to paint, cook or build something. Use your body to dance or your voice to sing. Vote, inspire others to vote, make great films, get involved in your community!


Nothing I say or do will really make a difference.

Real talk: Tell that to people who consider themselves ordinary, and yet changed the course of history with their votes, words, art, and actions! If speaking your truth can inspire or change even one person, you’ll have made an impact on someone that day. 

What you need to know: The important thing is to learn to change your negative emotions into positive energy, and find relevant outlets where you know in your heart that you are doing something that others respect, and helping to make the world a better place.

This idea is what drives everything we have done at American INSIGHT for the past 40 years. So who are we exactly?

The Unspoken Fears Holding You Back From Speaking Your Truth.


You feel uninformed.

Real talk: You hesitate to post that comment or speak up at family dinner when Uncle Ron says something inappropriate because you’re not 100% sure that you can truly articulate your thoughts or back up your argument. It’s easier and safer to stay quiet and not ruffle any feathers.

What you need to know: When you find something you’re really passionate about and make the commitment to go all-in on it, you will find that staying quiet will no longer be an option.


It’s a noisy world and no one is listening to you anyway.

Real talk: You’re just a student or an employee. There are people far more educated on these subjects than you. Who are you to speak up and even attempt to make a difference? All you have to do is log onto social media to realize that A) You can’t change other people’s minds and B) Even your most genius posts and comment replies will eventually get swallowed up by algorithms anyway.

What you need to know: Free speech heroes come in many different shapes and forms. Voters, poets, authors, comedians, young women like Malala or Greta Thunberg. A common characteristic of these heroes has been the clarity and persistence of their message.

As you’ll learn inside our course, Make History Every Day!, speaking out takes many forms and you don’t need a megaphone to be heard. But it does require action! Use your hands to paint, cook or build something. Use your body to dance or your voice to sing. Vote, inspire others to vote, make great films, get involved in your community!


Nothing I say or do will really make a difference.

Real talk: Tell that to people who consider themselves ordinary, and yet changed the course of history with their votes, words, art, and actions! If speaking your truth can inspire or change even one person, you’ll have made an impact on someone that day. 

What you need to know: The important thing is to learn to change your negative emotions into positive energy, and find relevant outlets where you know in your heart that you are doing something that others respect, and helping to make the world a better place.

This idea is what drives everything we have done at American INSIGHT for the past 40 years. So who are we exactly?
American INSIGHT is dedicated to providing insight into the history of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, and to promoting a deeper understanding of the American Experiment.

Our objectives are to facilitate speaking out against injustice through the medium of film and social media; to build social awareness through the promotion of free speech award-winning films from our annual Free Speech Film Festival, to inspire communities to redress injustice around the world, and to protect the freedoms they have.

At its best, the American Experiment teaches people from different backgrounds to communicate with each other effectively and to live together equitably and peacefully.

We are here to help everyday heroes like you make history every day by taking your sadness, your anger, and your frustration about the disharmony, the injustices that you see happening around you, and turning them into something positive to help America to become a better, more livable place.

This is your opportunity. Understand your American heritage.

Start the conversation.  Be heard!
American INSIGHT is dedicated to providing insight into the history of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, and to promoting a deeper understanding of the American Experiment.

Our objectives are to facilitate speaking out against injustice through the medium of film and social media; to build social awareness through the promotion of free speech award-winning films from our annual Free Speech Film Festival, to inspire communities to redress injustice around the world, and to protect the freedoms they have.

At its best, the American Experiment teaches people from different backgrounds to communicate with each other effectively and to live together equitably and peacefully.

We are here to help everyday heroes like you make history every day by taking your sadness, your anger, and your frustration about the disharmony, the injustices that you see happening around you, and turning them into something positive to help America to become a better, more livable place.

This is your opportunity. Understand your American heritage.

Start the conversation.  Be heard!

Make History Every Day!

Inside this course you will:

Discover your views and passions, and what makes you different.
Examine your personal response to the views and issues of others.
Identify how you can start to speak out.
Identify where to speak out.
Understand how using your voice can be powerful.
Learn how filmmakers are using their voice.

Make History Every Day!

Inside this course you will:

Discover your views and passions, and what makes you different.
Examine your personal response to the views and issues of others.
Identify how you can start to speak out.
Identify where to speak out.
Understand how using your voice can be powerful.
Learn how filmmakers are using their voice.

Here’s how it all breaks down:



Explore the American Experiment: Free Speech Heroes in History

Objective: Understand how using your voice can be powerful.

To quote The Beatles, “You say you want a revolution?” OK, so, revolution may be a strong word. But you know you want to make a difference — even if that difference is helping one person change their mind or open themselves up to a new possibility. But where do you start? At the very beginning.

In order to understand how you as an individual can discover and use your voice, it’s essential to understand why using your voice is so powerful.

In this module, we’ll retrace the origins and evolution of the American Experiment so you can clearly see where we started as a country versus where we are right now.

In doing so, our goal is to reconnect you with the original purpose of America, and in turn, find your purpose in changing your narrative.

We’ll dive into:

  • What is this American Experiment?
  • What is free speech? (and what it isn’t)
  • How free speech, human rights, and the rule of law have changed history
  • The stories history books didn’t tell you
  • Why expressing yourself doesn’t mean that you’re a radical or anti-government
  • Why your voice truly does matter (even if you feel like it doesn’t)
  • The stories of historical figures who were brave enough to speak their truths

We’ll use the following tools:

  • Explore the Free Speech Timeline, look through the lens of free speech, discover outspoken heroes from 1215 to today.
  • Choose Your Hero, begin to create memes, blog posts, and short videos that feature the hero of your choice, and explore their words, actions, and consequences.



Practice the American Experiment: The Personal is Political

Objective: Discover your own views and passions.

America is the only country in the world that was formed for the purpose of practicing this great Experiment! So let’s exercise our rights right now, honor the heroes who came before us, and put it into practice.

From standing up to kings 800 years ago to today’s comedians telling it like it is, American history is full of individuals who didn’t know how to speak anything other than their truth, even when it was a threat to their very existence. In this module, you’ll begin to realize that you are innately a political being, too (even if you’ve never had a political debate in your life).

We’ll dive into:

  • Why the personal is political 
  • What makes you angry and what issues you’re truly passionate about
  • How your personal experience has shaped your own political views
  • What you see as injustice

We’ll use the following tools:

  • Reflection and Intuition, so you can understand how your past experiences have shaped your voice, and how to use your voice in your present exterior life.
  • Injustices Checklist, so you can document the injustices that you experience and those that you are willing to speak out about.
  • Values Checklist, so you can document the values that are important to you, and decide on the values that you want to express.



Know the American Experiment: Explore Yourself

Objective: Examine your personal response to views and issues of others.

It’s helpful to understand what your inner voice responds to. In this module, we’ll examine your personal response to other writings, so you can further develop your own voice and point of view.

We’ll dive into:

  • Identifying where you feel most confident to start taking action (and where you feel the least confident in your life)
  • How technology plays a role in the impact you can make
  • Analyzing blog posts
  • Formulating your first blog post topic

We’ll use the following tools:

  • Thinking About What You Respond To - a deep dive into blogs, so you can analyze their messages and what you liked or didn’t like about them.
  • Write a Blog Post about Your Hero, so that you can hone your ability to speak up. You’ll even have the opportunity to be published in our Free Speech Blog! 



    Practice the Experiment: Make History Every Day!

    Objective: Identify how you can start to speak out.

    Making history sounds grandiose and lofty. Like it has to be this big, monumental moment where the world will never be the same again. But the truth is, sometimes the biggest shifts in history are made up of the smallest moments. In this module, we’ll examine what it means to make history, and help you identify where you can start to make your own history every day.

    We’ll dive into:

    • Why local is global and what you can do in your own community
    • Find what works and what doesn’t work
    • Voice in person and online
    • How you feel when people don’t respond the way you hoped
    • How what you are doing today - your daily history - has an influence on the people you are surrounded by

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Local is Global- How to Think Small and Find Your Outlet, what platform and tactics will you use to share your voice? Social media, writing, film, art, music, memes, a blog, and/or by casting your vote?
    • Choose Your Hero - create memes, blog posts, and short videos that feature the hero of your choice, and explore their words, actions, and consequences. Submit to our editors for possible publication in the Free Speech Blog! 



    BECOME the American Experiment: An Activist with Perseverance and Passion

    Objective: Identify where to speak out.

    The free speech heroes on our timeline are heroes today because they all have one thing in common: They never gave up or stopped talking, even when things got tough. Real talk: Much of the time, you will feel discouraged and ignored. Like you’re speaking or writing to an empty room.

    But like the heroes who came before us, you will speak your mind and make your opinion heard anyway. In this module, we’ll talk about how to stay motivated no matter what, and show you that the American Experiment is still working after three centuries!

    We’ll dive into:

    • How to think about your results and respond when you get negative feedback
    • Find what works for you to keep you inspired
    • Stay motivated when it gets tough

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Find Your Personal and Political Voice, so you can start forming your perspective on what you want to say, and how you will say it.



    DISCUSS the American Experiment: Free Speech Films from around the World

    Objective: Learn how filmmakers are using their voice.

    In this final module, we’ll look at how filmmakers from around the world use film to present their unique perspectives in the fight against injustice. You’ll hear directly from some of the filmmakers and get a behind-the-scenes look at how our judges analyze each submission.

    By the end of this module, you’ll understand how films can have a powerful impact and engage the global community in a deeper conversation about the complexities of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law within a global society.

    We’ll dive into:

    • How to recognize content that is focused and has a purpose
    • Private access to the film festival industry
    • The art of storytelling
    • The responsibility we have as American citizens to preserve the history of the free speech movement

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Checklist For Evaluating Films, to give you a point of view for judging, watching (or creating) your own materials.
    • Film Brainstorming Organizer, to keep track of ideas you want to portray in discussing films.
    • Express Yourself Film Review! Review Free Speech Film Festival films. You’ll get insight into what makes a good film review, how to write it, and where to submit it for possible publication in the Free Speech Spotlight Blog. 
    • Practice the Personal, you’ll create a statement of commitment to determine when to exercise your free speech based on all the work you’ve done in the course.

    Here’s how it all breaks down:

    Objective: Understand how using your voice can be powerful.

    To quote The Beatles, “You say you want a revolution?” OK, so, revolution may be a strong word. But you know you want to make a difference — even if that difference is helping one person change their mind or open themselves up to a new possibility. But where do you start? At the very beginning.

    In order to understand how you as an individual can discover and use your voice, it’s essential to understand why using your voice is so powerful.

    In this module, we’ll retrace the origins and evolution of the American Experiment so you can clearly see where we started as a country versus where we are right now.

    In doing so, our goal is to reconnect you with the original purpose of America, and in turn, find your purpose in changing your narrative.

    We’ll dive into:

    • What is this American Experiment?
    • What is free speech? (and what it isn’t)
    • How free speech, human rights, and the rule of law have changed history
    • The stories history books didn’t tell you
    • Why expressing yourself doesn’t mean that you’re a radical or anti-government
    • Why your voice truly does matter (even if you feel like it doesn’t)
    • The stories of historical figures who were brave enough to speak their truths

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Explore the Free Speech Timeline, look through the lens of free speech, discover outspoken heroes from 1215 to today.
    • Choose Your Hero, begin to create memes, blog posts, and short videos that feature the hero of your choice, and explore their words, actions, and consequences.

    Objective: Discover your own views and passions.

    America is the only country in the world that was formed for the purpose of practicing this great Experiment! So let’s exercise our rights right now, honor the heroes who came before us, and put it into practice.

    From standing up to kings 800 years ago to today’s comedians telling it like it is, American history is full of individuals who didn’t know how to speak anything other than their truth, even when it was a threat to their very existence. In this module, you’ll begin to realize that you are innately a political being, too (even if you’ve never had a political debate in your life).

    We’ll dive into:

    • Why the personal is political 
    • What makes you angry and what issues you’re truly passionate about
    • How your personal experience has shaped your own political views
    • What you see as injustice

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Reflection and Intuition, so you can understand how your past experiences have shaped your voice, and how to use your voice in your present exterior life.
    • Injustices Checklist, so you can document the injustices that you experience and those that you are willing to speak out about.
    • Values Checklist, so you can document the values that are important to you, and decide on the values that you want to express.

    Objective: Examine your personal response to views and issues of others.

    It’s helpful to understand what your inner voice responds to. In this module, we’ll examine your personal response to other writings, so you can further develop your own voice and point of view.

    We’ll dive into:

    • Identifying where you feel most confident to start taking action (and where you feel the least confident in your life)
    • How technology plays a role in the impact you can make
    • Analyzing blog posts
    • Formulating your first blog post topic

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Thinking About What You Respond To, a deep dive into blogs, so you can analyze their messages and what you liked or didn’t like about them.


    • Writing About Your Hero, start to create memes, blog posts, and short videos that feature the hero of your choice, and explore their words, actions, and consequences. Submit to our editors for possible publication in the Free Speech Blog and on all our social media channels! 

    Objective: Identify how you can start to speak out.

    Making history sounds grandiose and lofty. Like it has to be this big, monumental moment where the world will never be the same again. But the truth is, sometimes the biggest shifts in history are made up of the smallest moments. In this module, we’ll examine what it means to make history, and help you identify where you can start to make your own history every day.

    We’ll dive into:

    • Why local is global and what you can do in your own community
    • Find what works and what doesn’t work
    • Voice in person and online
    • How you feel when people don’t respond the way you hoped
    • How what you are doing today - your daily history - has an influence on the people you are surrounded by

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Local is Global- How to Think Small and Find Your Outlet, what platform and tactics will you use to share your voice? Social media, writing, film, art, music, memes, a blog, and/or by casting your vote?


    • Choose Your Hero, create memes, blog posts, and short videos that feature the hero of your choice, and explore their words, actions, and consequences. Submit to our editors for possible publication in the Free Speech Blog! 

    Objective: Identify where to speak out.

    The free speech heroes on our timeline are heroes today because they all have one thing in common: They never gave up or stopped talking, even when things got tough. Real talk: Much of the time, you will feel discouraged and ignored. Like you’re speaking or writing to an empty room.

    But like the heroes who came before us, you will speak your mind and make your opinion heard anyway. In this module, we’ll talk about how to stay motivated no matter what, and show you that the American Experiment is still working after three centuries!

    We’ll dive into:

    • How to think about your results and respond when you get negative feedback
    • Find what works for you to keep you inspired
    • Stay motivated when it gets tough

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Find Your Personal and Political Voice, so you can start forming your perspective on what you want to say, and how you will say it.

    Objective: Learn how filmmakers are using their voice.

    In this final module, we’ll look at how filmmakers from around the world use film to present their unique perspectives in the fight against injustice. You’ll hear directly from some of the filmmakers and get a behind-the-scenes look at how our judges analyze each submission.

    By the end of this module, you’ll understand how films can have a powerful impact and engage the global community in a deeper conversation about the complexities of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law within a global society.

    We’ll dive into:

    • How to recognize content that is focused and has a purpose
    • Private access to the film festival industry
    • The art of storytelling
    • The responsibility we have as American citizens to preserve the history of the free speech movement

    We’ll use the following tools:

    • Checklist For Evaluating Films, to give you a point of view for judging, watching (or creating) your own materials.
    • Film Brainstorming Organizer, to keep track of ideas you want to portray in discussing films.
    • Express Yourself Film Review! Review Free Speech Film Festival films. You’ll get insight into what makes a good film review, how to write it, and where to submit it for possible publication in the Free Speech Spotlight Blog. 
    • Practice the Personal, you’ll create a statement of commitment to determine when to exercise your free speech based on all the work you’ve done in the course.

    PLUS these bonuses when you join now!

    Bonus 1

    Free Speech Feature

    Certificate of Graduation, and a front row seat to the annual Free Speech Award Ceremony, with your name listed in the credits!

    Bonus 2

    Private Online Community

    All of the above, plus Access to the Free Speech Center, a private members-only network where you will meet Free Speech Award-winning filmmakers and their crews to discuss their films and talk to other students once a month for a full year.

    Bonus 3

    Free Speech Toolkit

    All of the above, plus private access to industry experts and professional endorsement by American INSIGHT. Our toolkit gives you numerous opportunities to keep you inspired, informed, and motivated! 

    PLUS these bonuses when you join now!

    Bonus 1

    Free Speech Feature

    Certificate of Graduation, and a front row seat to the annual Free Speech Award Ceremony, with your name listed in the credits!

    Bonus 2

    Private Online Community

    All of the above, plus Access to the Free Speech Center, a private members-only network where you will meet Free Speech Award-winning filmmakers and their crews to discuss their films and talk to other students once a month for a full year.

    Bonus 3

    Free Speech Toolkit

    All of the above, plus private access to industry experts and professional endorsement by American INSIGHT. Our toolkit gives you numerous opportunities to keep you inspired, informed, and motivated! 

      Whew! That’s a lot of value ... need a recap?
      Here’s everything included in Make History Every Day!

      6 Teaching Modules

      14 Tools, Tutorials Guides + Templates

      3 Value-Packed
      (based on level purchased)

      Whew! That’s a lot of value ...need a recap?
      Here’s everything included in Make History Every Day!

      6 Learning 

      14 Tools, Tutorials Guides + Templates 

      3 Value-Packed 
      (based on level purchased)

      Ready to understand the past and speak your truth, so you can change the future?

      Your experience starts as soon as you click "Join Now." Once you click the button below, you'll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you'll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have any questions along the way, American INSIGHT staff is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program.

      Get Started Now
      Choose the Plan That’s Right for You...

      Make History Every Day!

      Course Only

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits



      Make History Every Day!

      Course + Community

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits
      • Bonus #2: Private Online Community, Access to the Free Speech Center for One Year



      Make History Every Day!

      Course + Community + Coaching

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits
      • Bonus #2: Private Online Community, Access to the Free Speech Center for One Year
      • Bonus #3: Free Speech Toolkit: Private Access to Industry Experts, and Professional Endorsement



      • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
      Payment processed through secure gate network

      Ready to understand the past and speak your truth, so you can change the future?

      Your experience starts as soon as you click "Join Now." Once you click the button below, you'll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you'll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have any questions along the way, American INSIGHT staff is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program.

      Get Started Now
      Choose the Plan That’s Right for You...

      Make History Every Day!

      Course Only

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits



      Make History Every Day!

      Course + Community

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits
      • Bonus #2: Private Online Community, Access to the Free Speech Center for One Year



      Make History Every Day!

      Course + Community + Coaching

      You’ll receive:

      • 6 Video Learning Modules
      • 14 Tools, Tutorials, Guides + Templates
      • Bonus #1: Free Speech Feature
      • Certificate of Graduation
      • Free Speech Award Ceremony Ticket
      • Your Name Listed in the Credits
      • Bonus #2: Private Online Community, Access to the Free Speech Center for One Year
      • Bonus #3: Free Speech Toolkit: Private Access to Industry Experts, and Professional Endorsement



      • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
      Payment processed through secure gate network

      What People are Saying

      What People are Saying

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
      John Doe
      CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
      John Doe
      CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

      30-Day No Risk, No Questions Asked Guarantee

      We’re so sure that you’re going to feel like a new you that we’re even offering a 30-day Guarantee. All you have to do is show us that you went through the course, took each step, and completed the workbooks. If you took each step and still don’t feel like you’re making progress toward your goal, we’ll issue you a full refund. 

      30-Day No Risk, No Questions Asked Guarantee

      We’re so sure that you’re going to feel like a new you that we’re even offering a 30-day Guarantee. All you have to do is show us that you went through the course, took each step, and completed the workbooks. If you took each step and still don’t feel like you’re making progress toward your goal, we’ll issue you a full refund. 

      Frequently Asked Questions


      When will I have access to the material?


      You’ll have immediate access to Module 1 upon purchasing. The remaining content will be sent to you weekly per module. 


      How much time should I set aside per week?


      Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.


      What if I can’t attend the live sessions?


      You’ll never miss a thing. All of the sessions are recorded, so you can listen (and re-listen) whenever it’s convenient for you.


      How do I ask questions or get feedback on my plan during the program?


      Simply send an email to, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

      Frequently Asked Questions


      When will I have access to the material?


      You’ll have immediate access to Module 1 upon purchasing. The remaining content will be sent to you weekly per module. 


      How much time should I set aside per week?


      Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.


      What if I can’t attend the live sessions?


      You’ll never miss a thing. All of the sessions are recorded, so you can listen (and re-listen) whenever it’s convenient for you.


      How do I ask questions or get feedback on my plan during the program?


      Simply send an email to, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

      Questions about Next Steps?

      You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

      Questions about Next Steps?

      You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

      Why We’re So Passionate About This

      In the words of Malala Yousafzi, “One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world."

      We believe this with every fiber of our being - but we know it sounds like a huge personal endeavor on your part. That’s why we would be honored to act as your guide and support you as you embark on this journey of self-discovery to find your voice and pinpoint how you can participate in the American Experiment!

      Why We’re So Passionate About This...

      In the words of Malala Yousafzi, “One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world."

      We believe this with every fiber of our being - but we know it sounds like a huge personal endeavor on your part. That’s why we would be honored to act as your guide and support you as you embark on this journey of self-discovery to find your voice and pinpoint how you can participate in the American Experiment!
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      © 2022 American INSIGHT | All Rights Reserved
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